Becoming a Peer Educator

I signed up to train to become a peer educator as I got inspired by a peer education session, I took part in. It was fun, interactive and inspired me to want to help build more young people’s knowledge. Before I arrived at the training course, I was nervous as I didn’t know anyone attending but when I got there, I talked to lots of lovely people. The training team and other leaders were so welcoming and made the weekend the best it could’ve been. Some of my favourite aspects of the weekend were having the chance to run my own peer education activities to others, building my knowledge and making new friends. 

When running my own peer education activities I was scared but once I started running the activities it was very enjoyable. Everyone was so respectful and non-judgmental which made the experience even better. It gave me the perfect insight on what it would be like to be a peer educator. 

The weekend was lots of fun and I learnt lots of new things however some things that challenged and stretched me were talking to new people and my confidence. Meeting new people really helped build my confidence which is a key skill I will need as a peer educator. 

I also left the weekend learning how to be more confident in myself and my opinions as well as learning to put myself out there for different opportunities which Is one of the reasons why I chose to volunteer to write this blog.

I am very excited for my future as a peer educator and I can’t wait to run a peer education session at my unit for the brownies as well as planning sessions for other units around my local area. 

I’m looking forward to teaching them some of the things I have learnt over the fun weekend I had and inspiring them. The weekend was fantastic and I would recommend it to any young member, as well as it being a nice trip away it’s also a trip where you can learn new things and come home feeling inspired.

Megan, Peer Educator

Peer Education

Peer educators, aged 14 – 25, are trained to deliver sessions on topics that matter to girls today. Girls are more likely to listen to those who are of a similar age to them. Peer educators draw on their own experiences allowing girls to fully engage and relate and empower younger girls to combat issues they may face in life, inspiring them and equipping them with life-long skills. Peer education Sessions are available for Brownies, Guides and Ranger Units.

Peer education topics

  • Safe the World (Brownies, Guides and Rangers)
  • Breaking Free (Brownies, Guides and Rangers)
  • Think Resilient (Brownies, Guides and Rangers)