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Bonfire Night campfire for all the Rangers

We are running a Bonfire Night campfire for all the Rangers across the county at Willow Tree (Fox Site) from 7-10pm on Friday 3rd November 2023. There will be lots of singing, campfire treats, sparklers and more! We are encouraging leaders to attend as units as it will also be a great event to socialise with other Ranger leaders and volunteers. As we are aware that some of you also run other units on a Friday, we do have an option for Rangers to attend as individuals. 

The details are as follows:
Date: Friday 3rd November 2023 
Times: 7pm – 10pm
Where: Fox Site, Willow Tree Centre, Breakspear Road North, Harefield, Middlesex, UB9 6LZ 
Cost: N/A 
Transport: Transport to and from the campsite is not included, parents are to arrange drop off and pick up. 
Information: Final details will be sent out once the sign up has closed, but if you have questions about any of the above in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Letters and consent forms 
The letter and consent form have been prepared for you, there are spaces in yellow on this form for you to change to include the specific for your units.

Attending the event as a unit 
As unit leaders will be responsible for collecting the consent forms, arranging a home contact and your members during the event. 

Rangers attending as individuals 
As Unit leaders you will still be responsible for collecting the consent forms for event and submitting copies of the forms to by 22/10/23. 

Registering Attendance
Whether you are attending as a unit or have members who are attending you need to register the spaces by completing the sign-up form by 22/10/23.