Hillingdon Combined Arts Exhibition – 4th Ruislip Windmill Brownies

4th Ruislip Windmill Brownies have been delighted to take part in the Hillingdon Combined Arts exhibition at the beautiful, historic Manor Farm, Ruislip over the half term.

We joined some amazingly talented arts and crafts groups from across the borough who were showcasing their skills in everything from glass making to wood turning. 

Our Brownie table was adorned with the girls amazing efforts including some truly unique and interesting puppets as we adapted the ‘Odd Socks’ UMA into ‘Odd Spoons’. Our ‘A Work of Art’ Skill Builder produced some fabulous pieces as the Brownies embraced representing the themes of Fairy Tales, The Ocean, Space and The Seaside in sculpture, painting, collage and mosaic. The Brownies use of many colours, feathers, buttons, fabrics etc was an explosion of imagination as was Scarlett’s Space badge inspired ‘Astronaught’s Helmet’. 

We were all very excited to meet the Mayor of Hillingdon who even gave the Brownies’ efforts a special mention in his speech. We were very happy to accept his invitation of a visit to the Mayor’s Parlour for squash and biscuits. 

It has been such a lovely event to take part in and I am a very proud Snowy Owl.

Nathalie, Unit Leader – 4th Ruislip Windmill Brownies