Middlesex North West Guides give Rugby a try!

On Saturday 7th May Brownies and Guides across London and South East Girlguiding Region came together to learn new skills, have fun and try rugby. For some participants it was the first time they had played rugby and for others they were able to further the passion and interest in the sport.
After an early start, two units of guides from Hayes and Eastcote attended the day and had a great time learning how to dodge, pass the ball and leading small groups through fitness activities. In addition, the Guides met an England Rugby Referee and heard about her experiences with rugby players in high level matches.
At the end of the day units were given rugby balls, whistles, and information on the game. The plan for some of the guides to try and play rugby locally – they had such a great time and give thanks to England Rugby and LaSER for organising it.