Peggy Lovett Memorial Ceremony

On the afternoon of Saturday 7th May 2022, the family of Peggy Lovett (Guider, Northwood District Commissioner and Co-founder of Willow Tree Centre) and fellow Guiders met at Willow Tree Centre for a dedication ceremony to the Magnolia tree planted in her loving memory.  Peggy sadly passed away after a spell of ill health in October 2019.

The brief ceremony took place round the planted tree on the field and was led by Father O’Mahony from St Matthew’s Catholic Church in Northwood where Peggy was an active member of the congregation.  He was assisted by one or two guiders and Trefoil members who did readings – The Guide Leader’s job description, I am a Leader, 1 in every 100 Guides and Treasured memories.  Claire Clark (Peggy’s daughter) read a perfect and heartfelt eulogy which brought a tear to many of our eyes then Father O’Mahony finished with the dedication to the tree.  This was followed by a few moments of silent contemplation before heading into Pine Lodge for an informal and tasty afternoon tea provided by the Lovett family. This was a great opportunity for everyone to reminisce and share their many stories and memories of Peggy.

All those who had the pleasure of knowing Peggy, knew she was never one for being in the limelight, however, even she would have approved of this special event in her honour.  From a personal perspective, having worked very closely with Peggy over many, many years, it was a lovely way for me to pay my respects as I was unable to attend Peggy’s funeral.

Jane Anderson
4th/5th Northwood Brownies