Jean McDonald
It is with great sadness to tell you that Jean McDonald passed away on the 4th May at the age of 88. She had spent the last thirteen months in a local care home, and for those of you that knew her, wouldn’t be surprised to hear that she was the life and soul.
Jean did most of Guiding volunteering in Wealdstone Division but also generously gave her time to the County Arts Team and numerous other activities and events over many years. Many girls and adults have been touched by Jean’s jolly and infectious personality across several generations. In fact, many of our current leaders in Wealdstone will remember Jean when they themselves were a young member. Whether that was at a unit meeting, fundraising events, activity days or camps. Her last camp, at the age of 85, was in 2018!
Her funeral took place on Friday 28th May, and it was fortunate that the current restrictions allowed a Uniformed Guard of Honour. When permitted, there will be a celebration of Jean’s Guiding Life, so that along with her family we can reminiscence and share our memories of Jean together. It would be lovely to hear from anyone who has stories, photos or anecdotes or if you would like to hear about the details of this celebration, please contact Emma through